- The Free Trust Badge Master app has to be first installed, after which you'll be moved to the thank you page. Here you'll get a message that the Required snippet has been automatically created and added to your published theme during the installation process. In case you would like to load the badge in other themes, please use the ''Theme 'Integration' button.
Other than that, this page is pretty straightforward since there is only one button. Click on get started, and you should be on the setup page.
- The first step is to activate the badges then begin customizing them. Here you can see what badges Badge Master has to offer. You can choose from:
Standard - Modern
- Solid
- Clean
- Vintage
But also, if you click here, you can add custom badges. This app is different from other trust badges apps on the market. Pleasant surprise.
Next in line is Pitch Message and display customization. Here you can change
- Header text
- Choose Fonts
- Change size, weight, alignment, and text color
Now you should change the icon settings. In this section, you can change icon alignment but also set mobile and desktop icon sizes. And that is it.
The last step is to embed the code where you want to show your badges. You can click on the template file, and you will be automatically redirected to the theme code. Paste the code where you want it to be shown, and save it.
If you didn't activate the badges in the first step, do that before refreshing your store.
Once the Badges are activated, it should be visible on your website.