Should you switch to SHOPIFY EMAIL app? Honest Review and Quick Tutorial

Should you switch to SHOPIFY EMAIL app? Honest Review and Quick Tutorial

  • To use Shopify Email, first start by installing the app, after which you would be directed to the dashboard. On the dashboard, you’ll find only one option: Create an Email. 


  • Once you click on this, a popup appears, and you are expected to add a marketing activity:

    • Shopify Email


    • Facebook audience building ad


    • Facebook dynamic retargeting ad


    • Facebook page post


    • Microsoft shopping campaign


    • Promote selected products


    • Snapchat brand awareness ad


    • Snapchat dynamic shopping ad


  • Choosing Shopify Email, a new window appears, and now we need to choose a starting point. We can choose from Branded templates and previous emails. Considering that you just installed the app, there are no previous emails so let’s take a look at branded templates. There are 6 of them: featured product, sale announcement, end of sale, etc. Choose sale announcement.


  • On the content page, there are not so many options here, and by pressing this button up here on the right, you can adapt the email for mobile or desktop. We will choose a desktop and see later how it actually looks like.


  • On this window, you can easily customize your email by editing text, buttons, images and more to make it your own. Also, below there is an option to learn more about email marketing which takes you to Shopify’s help centre. 


  • Below that, you’ll find Email styles where you can change the overall look of your email. Let’s try that. Here we can change the colors of the content background and the color of the template background. Also, changes are applied to all sections, not just at the chosen one, and there is an undo button up here on the right if you decide to cancel your changes. Next to it, there is a feedback button. 

When you’re done with creating your email, you can send a test to check on it. You can find the button in the top right corner.

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