Shopify Site Speed Optimization FAQ- What to Expect When Optimizing Your Site Speed

Shopify Site Speed Optimization FAQ- What to Expect When Optimizing Your Site Speed

Site speed is vital to the growth of any e-commerce store, and Shopify stores are not left out. 

Customers are often looking to avoid the long waiting lines found in stores by shopping online. Hence, they expect that they shouldn't face the same wait time shopping online. 

As a leading Shopify Site Speed optimization agency, EcomExperts specializes in bringing the best out of every Shopify store. We improve the page loading time of Shopify stores, creating a better user experience. 

Our Shopify speed Optimization services are exceptional; we can proudly say that everyone who comes to us leaves with a huge smile.

To help us communicate with you better, here are a few FAQs;

Table of Contents

  1. What is site speed Optimization?
  2. How do we optimize your site speed?
  3. How long does it take?
  4. Why should I optimize my store?
  5. What happens after I optimize my store?
  6. Will my sales increase overnight?
  7. How do I tell the difference?
  8. What can I optimize?
  9. Does Shopify speed optimization affect SEO?
  10. How much will it cost?
  11. How often should I optimize my store?

What is Site Speed Optimization?

The goal of every eCommerce business is to make more profit. Optimizing your Shopify site goes in two directions; expanding your business and improving the platform on which you make sales.

Let's paint a picture, you spend so much on building the best website, but you can't get customers to stay beyond the first page. Customers bounce right from the home page, not even bothering to follow any of your CTAs. 

How do We Optimize Your Site speed?

There's one major factor that might be responsible for increased customer bounce rate, slow site speed. EcomExperts takes care of this problem by carefully optimizing your Shopify site speed. For only $1499, we'll:

  • Ensure Fast UI/UX, page load time under 3 seconds
  • Audit Web core vitals resulting in higher Mobile and Desktop scores
  • Guarantee a score above 80 in PageSpeed Insights Report and a score above 90 in GTMetrix, for both desktop and mobile
  • Remove redundant codes
  • Store cleanup; removal of unused templates, theme files, unlinked online stores, etc
  • Restructure sections and optimization of codes
  • Optimize and resize images 
  • Apply lazy loading, apps, scripts, CSS, and Javascript priority settings
  • Minimize Javascript and CSS files

We don't just optimize your store and send you away; we equip you with everything you need to know about Shopify site speed, identifying speed killers, and running speed tests on your store. 

We'll also keep in touch to make sure your store's performance remains optimal.  

How Long does it Take?

We'll get your site speed optimized in under ONE WEEK GUARANTEED. We know how important it is that your store stays constantly in business. This is why our team of experts work extremely hard to ensure your site remains active while they optimize your speed. 

In under one week, you'll receive a much faster, properly optimized Shopify site.

Why should I optimize my Shopify store?

Did you know that a delay of two seconds may cost you up to 50% of your customers? It is 2021, and speed has never been more important. Site speed optimization keeps your page smart and responsive. This helps your potential clients see more of what you've got in less time—in turn, decreasing your bounce rates and increasing conversions.

In other news, Shopify speed optimization ups your convincing power.

What happens after I optimize my store?

After optimization, your site feels lighter. All the excesses have been trimmed away and your code cleaned. The difference may only be one second or two, or even a fraction of a second, but these little delays are what add up to make an unpleasant customer experience.

Immediately after optimization, you will get a more functional Shopify website.

Will my sales increase overnight?

Yes and no. You may not see a significant increase in your sales the next day, but you will see some sort of improvement. Your SEO ranking should improve and your page should load faster. 

Over time, these translate into more traffic and more traffic into more sales.

How do I tell the difference?

Measuring Shopify speed optimization can be easily done with analytical tools such as PageSpeed Insights, GTMetrix, or our favorite If you plan to monitor site speed optimization, it is best to take multiple readings from a couple of days before optimization, just to be accurate. Then you should run a speed test on your store after optimization. 

You can now compare your speed scores to see how much your speed has improved since optimization. 

Some tools, for example, Shopify's speed test tool, will compare your site against other similar sites. While this helps you know where you stand, it may not be a great way to monitor progress.

PageSpeed Insights ranks your site speed from 0 to 100. A score over 85 is worth aiming for.

What can I optimize?

Nearly everything on your Shopify page has the potential to be better and faster. Website speed optimization goes beyond just image optimization and clearing caches. A few of the features on your site that can be optimized include;

  1. Files: minifying and compressing files will make your page load faster in less time
  2. Codes: JavaScript and CSS codes can be trimmed, checked, corrected for errors, debugged, or rewritten to improve speed. 
  3. Apps: these can be optimized by compressing, or when necessary, deleting the entire app, including its residual information.
  4. Requests: reducing requests to third parties will improve loading time and overall functionality.
  5. Themes: choosing the right theme is crucial for making sales. It is important to weigh the benefits of each theme before applying it. Often, the price for a flashy, sparkling theme is slow page speed.
  6. Images: images, of course, can be optimized in various ways, for example, uploading them in the right format (preferably .jpg), compressing them, and defining size attributes for uploading, not after.

An in-depth site speed optimization (the type we do at EcomExperts) will take care of these features and more.

Does Shopify Speed optimization affect SEO?

    Yes! Site Speed Optimisation helps SEO because Google loves a fast website. The faster your site is, the more likely it is to rank higher search results. While speed is not the sole deciding factor of Google rankings, it pays to have a great speed anyways. It makes an excellent backup for your copy.

    How often should I optimize my store?

    Before the holidays. If you're planning a big holiday sale, there's no better time to optimize your store than right before this season.

    If you've been keeping an eye on your Shopify store performance, you would also know when it's time for another optimization. It is perfectly normal for your site to get slow over time. If you run a lot of apps, you are bound to notice your site dropping in speed.

    An unoptimized site is not only bad for customer experience; it invites hackers to take advantage of this down period. 

    Site speed optimization should be a part of your routine for Shopify maintenance. Furthermore, it is good to consider website speed optimization just before you launch a new project or feature.


    Site speed optimization may not change your e-commerce business in one day, but give it some more time, and you will notice the difference.

    Consider website speed optimization as keep up. Having good maintenance habits is one way to tell a sustainable business from a get-rich-quick scheme.

    Making a habit of optimizing your Shopify site speed regularly helps you assure your clients of seamless service every time and every day, building their trust in you and your business.

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